The IKUNA Blog — Oakland


We are excited to launch an IKUNA program that recognizes achievement. We feel an urgent responsibility to help guide and point our young people in the right direction. Through various annual events, we will help motivate and encourage our youth to pursue their dreams. Whatever our youth are passionate about, we will help build within them the confidence they need and give support wherever we can to help them realize their goals. 

With that said, we will have our first opportunity to recognize students who have recently graduated from the high schools in Oakland, CA....

Oakland/The Town/The Big O/Oaktown/Yay Area


  I buried my dad the last time I was home. When I walked back into the house there was no one there. It was quiet and the feeling that dad was not home made me feel lonely. But shortly after that feeling, I could hear him telling me "It's good to see you but don't waste your time thinking about me. I'm fine! You've got so many other things to worry about. Did you come on business? I'm glad you stopped by to see your mom. How long are you gonna be here? Hurry...