This past week has been a week of sadness and heartbreak. I feel for the families that lost precious loved ones during the tragic shooting in CT. We live in a crazy world. Just this morning I heard the sad news that a very good friend of mine passed away. We met for the first time in Provo, UT as we prepared for our two year missionary service in Sydney, Australia. He was a humble young man and very quick to welcome anyone he met along the way. A kind heart and a smile that you could not deny. He leaves behind his wife, four beautiful girls, and the many of us who are shocked and heartbroken. I will miss you.
We all face various challenges, obstacles, and difficulties throughout our lives. Some of those challenges come unexpectedly and others come due to the choices we make. We set goals, we have ambitions, we have dreams. More often than not there are bumps in the road. How we choose to face them is up to us. Some of us will fight. Some of us will flee. Which will you do? There is something deeply embedded in the human spirit that will push us to overcome anything we are faced with. It will help us overcome. It will help us to achieve.
Overcome. Achieve. IKUNA.